1.  Only Members and their Guests are permitted to use this facility or enter the property.
2.  The Entrance Gate must be kept Locked at all times. Exceptions are for meetings, club events and other activities when non-members may attend.
3.  Anyone under the influence, however slight, of alcohol, drugs or other substances, are not permitted to use the facility, be on any of the shooting ranges, possess firearms or archery equipment while on this property.
4.  Shooting Hours: 8am to 9 pm only during daylight hours 365 days a year.
5.  When entering  the property, to use a shooting range, the user must:
- Display the Red Flag, located near the entrance on the SIGN-in box, to signify a shooting range is in use.
- Legibly print their name, membership number, name of any guests, time of entry and the range being used in the sign-in book located in the box near the entrance gate.
6.  When Leaving the property, the user must:
- Enter the time of their departure in the sign-in box at the entrance gate.
- Lock the gate, unless it is opened for a special event.
7.  Each member is allowed to host up to, but not more than three (3) Guests at a time.
8.  Guest are permitted three (3) visits and must purchase a membership before the fourth visit.
9.  Firearms can only be discharged on the specific shooting range that permits their use.
10. Eye and Hearing Protection must be worn and used by all shooters and spectators.
11. All range users who possess a  firearm must be a holder of a valid firearms licence for the class of firearms possessed, or be under the immediate, direct and constant supervision of a person who does hold a firearms licence for the class of firearm possessed.
12. Any person under the age of 18 years, who possess a firearm, must be under their immediate, direct and constant supervision of a person 18 years or older who holds a valid firearms licence for the appropriate class of firearms.
13. The following are not permitted on this property:
 - 50 BMG or 416 Barrett cartridges.
 - Explosive or exploding targets, of any type.
 - Incendiary or Prohibited Ammunition

14. All shooters are to report any shooting range rule infraction or safety violations including the identity of the offenders, to one of the contact persons for SOSA.
15. For all emergencies the location of the property is: 352 Sportsmen’s Bowl Road, Oliver, BC
Anyone violating these rules, club bylaws or other laws may have their membership revoked, without compensation and be prohibited from entering the property.

Rules (they will download to your computer)

Click here for Trap Range Rules

Click here for Rifle Range Rules

Click here for Pistol Range Rules

Permitted Firearms and Calibers

Trap - All shotguns discharging 7 1/2 shot size or smaller

Handgun - All Handguns discharging cartridges in template groups; .22RF; 9mm; .357 Mag which include 41 Mag; 44 Mag; 460 S&W, 480 Ruger, 500 S&W etc. Rimfire rifles are permitted. Centre fire rifles are not permitted nor are handguns discharging centre fire cartridges commonly referred to as rifle cartridges. There are two handgun ranges up to 50 yards long.

Registered Bylaws of the “Southern Okanagan Sportsmen’s Association Jan 2025”